Happy New Year! It has been forever since I posted on here and that is completely my fault. I have gotten completely lost in school and stress that I felt that I couldn't post on here. However, I realized how big of an impact this had on my life. This blog is a chance for me to create, and share my thoughts and ideas, but it was turning into a space where I was more focused on how to create content that people would want to come to. Don't get me wrong I want to create content people enjoy, and I want people to come read my blog but the posts I was making felt like things I didn't enjoy but what every other successful blogger was doing. I want to produce posts that I would like to read, things that I enjoy. So I have decided this year I want to share posts that I would like to read and try to connect more with the people who read my blog. I want to find out more about you all, and I want to know which posts you enjoy. I look forward to this year and all the posts that will be up for you all to read. I also want you guys to see who I really am.
I hope your new year is awesome, and that 2017 will be a great year for all!
Adios Gatos~
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